Hello world!

Welcome to  GuitarZone..This is our first post.


They say the education of a musician begins when they first hear the sound of music. As a child I was fortunate to have access to diverse music. I had the liberty of digging through my parent’s collection, cassettes and CDs, ranging from Indian classical music to the widely accessible contemporary pop.  Music’s impact on me, then, was subconscious but gripping, like the root of a tree which penetrates deep in to the ground but is invisible to the eye.

Even though I picked up the guitar at the age of fourteen, music has been a part of my life ever since the beginning. For three years I practiced by listening to records and got what I wanted from them by ear. This method proved beneficial and I developed my ear at a relatively young age. Gradually my work ethic improved and I opted to pursue my schooling from home to concentrate more on my academic.


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